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Maywood Public Schools



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Maywood Public School Guidance




I am currently in my 21st year at Maywood Public Schools.  I taught third grade for 8 years and have been the School Counselor for the past 13 years.  I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary and Early Childhood Education at the University of Nebraska Kearney.  My Master’s Degree in School Counseling is through Chadron State College. My husband, Chad, and I have 3 beautiful daughters.  We enjoy hunting, fishing, camping, and athletic events. 

I am available each day for all of our Pre-Kindergarten through 12th-grade students.  I teach elementary guidance lessons to each of our elementary classes. I coordinate career activities and social emotional opportunities for our students. I work closely with all of our senior students exploring their options for post-secondary education and careers. I am also the Head Girls’ Basketball Coach for Maywood Hayes Center and Junior High Girls’ Volleyball Coach. I sponsor our Student Council and get to help match Teammates Mentors/Mentees in our school and community. 


  • All students can succeed at high levels if given sufficient support.
  • All students should receive a quality education for the development of the whole child.
  • All students should have access to the skills, knowledge, and dispositions provided by school counseling professionals.
  • All students should graduate with lifelong career decision making and management skills that are necessary to succeed in postsecondary education, training, and the workplace.


A school counseling program is:

  • Comprehensive in scope.
  • Preventative in design.
  • Developmental in nature.
  • Student centered.
  • Conducted in collaboration.
  • Driven by data.
  • An integral part of the total education program.

Kindest regards,

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Kim Stengel