The Night Tree!
On Friday, December 6th Maywood's First grade class and a few of Maywood's FFA students joined together to learn how to make bird feeders out of bagels, peanut butter, and bird seeds. What a fun opportunity for both classes to get . . .
The Oregon Trail
Friday, November 8th Maywood Public School's second graders "traveled" on the Oregon Trail in covered wagons as they read "Journey of a Pioneer". (hopefully these students prepared for the weather!) What a fun and . . .
Soft Skills Session #2!
On October 31st Maywood High school had their second session of soft skills. It was a perfect day for grilling skills, rotating tires, baking, laundry, and writing letters by hand, and a hang up and hang out game of charades! These . . .
Fitness Day!
On Wednesday, October 9th Maywood School's 4th Grade participated in Fitness and Nutrition Day at McCook Community College. They are had a great time learning healthy habits. Some great skills they can keep with them for a lifetime!
Diesel Mechanic / Technology Career Day!
On Thursday, October 3rd Maywood high school students attended Central Community College Diesel Mechanic and Technology Career Day and learned about many opportunities available for them as well as a campus tour!
Nebraska Department of Transportation.
Congratulations to the 2024 Maywood Graduate, Layton Sailor! On September 20th, 2024, the Nebraska Department of Transportation in collaboration with the Pillen administration and industry leaders, hosted a signing ceremony to honor . . .
RPAC Leaders!
On Wednesday, October 2nd a few students from Maywood Public School 9th grade through 12th grade attended the RPAC Leadership Workshop at McCook Community College. These students learned a lot and were able to create some great ideas to . . .
Fun with Shadows!
Maywood Public Schools first graders were learning about shadows and sun movement on September 12, 2024 in science! They traced each other's shadows at 1:00pm and headed out at the end of the day to see the changes! What a fun and . . .
Maywood Public School Seniors took a day to created behavior expectation presentations to help cultivate a positive school environment. They all had a blast . . .
Welcome Back! For the year of 24-25
Sounds of chatter and laughter filled Maywood Public School once again on August 14th and the 15th. Groups of students and parents gathered in the commons and Lunch room enjoying hot dogs, navigating the new school . . .
World Book Encyclopedia
The World Book Encyclopedia is available for all students by clicking on the following link. World Book Encyclopedia User Name: maywoodstudent Password: student