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Maywood Public Schools



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Activities of Maywood Ag Ed / FFA

Friday, December 8th, 2023 was a busy day for the Maywood Ag Ed department and FFA! They stated off the day in the 1st grade classroom by reading "Night Tree". After their book they made bagel bird feeders, and strung popcorn. The bagels and Popcorn were hung on the tree outside the 1st grade room.

Some of the freshman members and Haydn Farr then headed downtown to help the MACC decorate the barrels around town!

Then the Ag Ed department and FFA group rounded out the day by going to the 5th grade classroom and reading "The Day the Farmers Quit." The book was donated to the 5th grade classroom library courtesy of the Nebraska Farm Bureau and the Connecting Chapters Program. The sophomores then lead a lesson on the many hats our farmers wear and ended the day with coloring thank you's for our local farmers!