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Maywood Public Schools



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District Leadership Development Events!

November always brings an exciting time of year for our FFA members. The first round of contests happen and we wrap up our annual fruit and snack sales. We had three members attend our first round of district Leadership Development Events on November 20th. Kassidy Hatfield was the District Champion in cooperative speaking, qualifying for the state contest in April. Gwen Rutherford earned a blue ribbon in senior public speaking and Maysen Merritt earned a blue ribbon in junior public speaking. Our next round of contests will be held at NCTA on December 10th and will include employment skills, ag demonstration, creed speaking, ag literacy speaking, discovery speaking, and JH quiz bowl. December also brings our chapter Christmas party which is always a big hit! We would like to thank everyone who purchased goodies from our fruit and snack sales. Items will be delivered either the second or third week in December!